Friday, January 29, 2010

Fine Art meets....Football?

Seems as if friendly Superbowl wagers have moved beyond friends, family and co-workers and created a rivalry between city museums as well!

The New Orleans Museum of Art and the Indianapolis Museum of Art have each wagered a piece from their permanent collection--albeit temporarily. If the New Orleans Saints win, Indianapolis has agreed to send The Fifth Plague of Egypt, a landscape by J.M.W. Turner, for three months.

If the Indianapolis Colts crush the Saints (I have to stand by my fellow Midwesterners!), the NOMA will send Ideal View of Tivoli by Claude Lorrain.

The choice of the work to be wagered was the subject of some friendly trash-talking between the two museums' directors. It seems that when John Bullard, the director of NOMA offered a portrait by Auguste Renoir, IMA director Max Anderson called it "sentimental blancmange" by a "China painter," referring to Renoir's job painting fine china. Bullard retorted that NOMA didn't have any "farm scenes or portraits of football players" to send to the IMA.

At least if the Colts lose, the IMA still gets to send a "plague," of sorts, to New Orleans.

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